Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lesson 2

Chilton's Online: Found my 2008 Acadia and looked at the recalls, bulletins, maintenance schedule and repair area. I did not realize that they had technician test prep quizzes available so learned a lot about Chilton's today.

Mango Language: In order to help the Vietnamese student we would choose the English language and then choose English for the Vietnamese speaker. 
Tried some French lessons. This is a great way to try something new and it would be a great way to learn a few phrases before a trip. They only thing I could say that would be negative is that when it shows the lesson there are the blue arrows for the lessons and then the arrows below change the lessons to the next lesson and I started by choosing the wrong arrow and at first was not sure why the lesson was not starting then I saw the bigger blue arrow above that actually started the lesson!
It would be nice if you could see a video overview of the program and not have to join a webinar.
Actually, Mango is a really cool database overall. I also noticed that apps are available for your phone!

tumble book library  TumbleBook Library

Tumblebooks: Tumblebooks is another fun resource. We would promote this to all children, mothers with preschoolers and grandparents for their grandchildren. I looked at some puzzles and games.
The kids today are used to so much movement. I actually get tired of seeing all the movement on the pages of the picture books.
The audio portion of the chapter books would be good to use with our tutoring students. It was nice to sort by reading level. This is a great site.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great discoveries! I love the idea to use the chapter books with the tutoring students.

    Thanks for your post,
