Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lesson 10- Wrap Up

  • We have not really been utilizing all the great databases.  I am inspired to have a meeting with our home school families and show them many of the great databases available.
  •  Julie showed Tumblebooks to the story time children and caregivers and they really enjoyed seeing that and I believe that they will use it. 
  • Thanks for the great hand outs and a chance to explore the databases!

Don't forget Mango!     au revoir        adios


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lesson 9- History and Genealogy

Ancestry Library

I searched my name and found entries in U.S. phone and address directories and also U.S. Public records index. The phone/address directory had my name address and phone number listed as well as my birth date. I noticed that you had to enter your email for a link to the discovery page. I also searched my maiden name and found our marriage certificate but that was also a link to the discovery page that could be emailed. (These were indexed documents only). I was able to find my grandparents and great-grandparents and see their children listed in the census. I found my grandfathers WWI draft registration.  I also found a new family tree listed for my grandmother that I had not seen before. 
I found no unique photo collections to South Dakota but I did find 8 related photo collections. I looked at historic postcards and typed in Beresford and found one postcard photo of the old high school. 
I think the search format has changed slightly from your instructions. Probably an update happened since I am so late getting this done!

Sanborn Maps- 

I found the current library location in 1928, but it was not yet there in the 1917 maps. In the 1928 map it was an implement and auto store. The library was located above the fire station in the 1928 map. I checked out the key and looked all the maps over, it was fun to see all the early businesses. 

Heritage Quest Library- 

I found information about "Sweeney" South Dakota. This was an early established settlement in Lyman County South Dakota. There was a post office located there. Due to the railroad not being built close to the town it did dissolve in later years. There was some info in the Doane's encyclopedia about Sweeney post office. I also found a small mention of possibly my great grandfather in the Warner's history of Dakota County, Nebraska : from the days of the pioneers and first settlers to the present time. I also read about the early blizzards in the book. Very interesting. You can spend hours and hours on the family and related history items.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lesson 8- WorldCat, CAMIO and more


  • I searched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 
  • 4586 libraries own the title in hardcover.
  •  Another 1801 libraries own the paperback edition. 
  • When you click on the author you see other items they have written and in this case I also saw the DVD listed (it goes to all formats when you click on author). 
  • When you click on a subject you see other items with the same subject, articles, serials , audiobooks, videos and all other available formats. 
When you click on the libraries that own the title you see South Dakota libraries first, then I think we see Minitex libraries next. I believe that  I generally notice it is IA and MN next then all other locations after that. We use WorldCat almost every day for ordering or cataloging help.

I had not looked at the database tab before so that was new information for me.

OAIster- I searched South Dakota and got 16 results.  I had to create a login if I wanted to look at the Sanford Underground Mine article but then I looked at an article about Tobacco use and Cardiovascular Disease in Native Americans and I was able to read the full text article. Some of the article seem to be government type of documents or studies.  Another great discovery.


I typed in Sioux and had 62 results. I saw that I could filter by date, format. publisher and subject. I could also include all museums and  galleries or filter the ones I wanted or did not want to see. We often do not have resources for beautiful art and this site allows us to see art that we may not ever have a chance to see otherwise. It is a good resource for home-school families that are studying art. 
It was great to click on the item and see it much larger as well as information about what it was and where it is currently located and also the art medium. It was neat the way you can zoom in on the item but then it will shrink back into a small picture with the info. 

I searched Renoir and saw many paintings and other types of art by or about Renoir. I noticed that you can print or download the painting/item. I had to look to find favorites (it was really small up towards the top!) , then I saved a couple of items and clicked on favorites in the gray bar and it was neat the way you can save into a Power Point. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lesson 7 E-books on Ebsco

E-books on Ebsco. I typed in Dust Bowl and looked at an eBook "Americans View Their Dust Bowl Experiences" . This was easy to use and read similar to any other e-book although the save and cite features would be useful for reports.
I did also check out "The Complete Idiots Guide to Household Solutions". This book was definitely fuzzy and not as easy to read. I assume it has to do with the format. Of course it came up because of bowl stains and dust!

I tried limiting by full text, download available and also publication date.  I also saw you could limit by all resources or eBook. I also noticed it has a Dictionary feature and you can choose different languages.
I was wondering why the most recent publish date is 2002? I searched legal forms but would not really want to promote something that is already over 10 years old.

I found 20 eBooks when I searched Constitution Day but most were not relevant.Honestly I did not find any eBooks that I thought were useful. Hopefully I was not doing something wrong.  I did find lots of information when I selected all sources.

A class is doing projects on Western history. They have exhausted the library's print collection. In EBooks on EbscoHost, click "Advanced Search." In the "Select a Field" box, choose "PB Publisher." In the search box, type "Nebraska" or "Oklahoma." Report your findings. 

PB is not available in the Select a Field box? Has it been updated? I got 149,991 items with the search of Nebraska and nothing in the select a field box.  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lesson 6 GVRL

Gale Virtual Reference Library:
I tried Zinc and got many results, I tried food with zinc. Eventually I clicked into the reference that I thought would likely have information. The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health

I did find information about foods containing zinc. The most common foods are oysters, beef, chicken, turkey, milk, cheese and yogurt. Pure Maple syrup also contains zinc.

I thought the search was more difficult than I thought it might be. It was nice to see the subject listing on the right as well as type of document or publication title. I would say the information is there but it takes more researching to find the answer.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn gave lots of hits. Again, by going into one of the works

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Novels for Students . I did find character overview, criticism, themes of the story and other helpful information. My interpretation is this resource is more time consuming than some of the others I have looked at.

 I did try typing literary criticism of Huckleberry Finn with no results.

The tools and print features are easy. I did try the reader feature.... which sounds very computer generated..... but it is a nice option.