Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lesson 6 GVRL

Gale Virtual Reference Library:
I tried Zinc and got many results, I tried food with zinc. Eventually I clicked into the reference that I thought would likely have information. The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health

I did find information about foods containing zinc. The most common foods are oysters, beef, chicken, turkey, milk, cheese and yogurt. Pure Maple syrup also contains zinc.

I thought the search was more difficult than I thought it might be. It was nice to see the subject listing on the right as well as type of document or publication title. I would say the information is there but it takes more researching to find the answer.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn gave lots of hits. Again, by going into one of the works

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Novels for Students . I did find character overview, criticism, themes of the story and other helpful information. My interpretation is this resource is more time consuming than some of the others I have looked at.

 I did try typing literary criticism of Huckleberry Finn with no results.

The tools and print features are easy. I did try the reader feature.... which sounds very computer generated..... but it is a nice option.

1 comment:

  1. GVRL can be useful for helping patrons or students locate more info on a topic than they find in WorldBook for example. Some of the most useful titles are the Biography Encyclopedia and American Decades set.

    Since a search searches across the entire collection, using the limiters can be beneficial to narrowing down results.

    Thanks for your post,
